Skin Disorders

What are Skin Disorders?
Skin disorders that affect the foot can range from painless & harmless to painful and severe. It’s best to seek treatment to clear up any condition. Common skin disorders we see include: Athlete’s Foot, corns and calluses, Psoriasis (may present as whitish-silver patches on your foot), skin cancer, sweaty feet, and warts.

Common Symptoms and Types of Skin Disorders
Skin disorders involving the feet and ankles can present with various symptoms, including itching, redness, rash, blisters, or other skin abnormalities. These conditions can be caused by infections, allergies, or underlying medical conditions.
- Fungal infections like athlete’s foot.
- Dermatitis and eczema.
- Psoriasis.
- Warts.
- Blisters and corns.
Possible Treatment Options for Skin Disorders
Skin disorders can cause discomfort, pain, and embarrassment. Timely treatment from our experienced team at Northern Ankle Foot Associates can provide relief, prevent complications, and help you maintain healthy skin on your feet and ankles.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of a skin disorder or have concerns about the appearance or health of your feet and ankles, schedule an appointment at Northern Ankle Foot Associates. Our expert care is here to support you in achieving healthy and comfortable skin on your lower extremities.